Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Google and Bing, which do you use?

I always use google, and im sure you do too, so is the new Bing really better like they say? Let's check this out!
I started by searching Justin Bieber
On Google, it showed my videos I could watch of his songs
Bing showed me that I need to buy the songs.
Yeah. Thanks Bing....

I searched San Fransisco Giants
Google showed me the scores from the game
Bing showed my that I could buy tickets
What the hell Bing!

I searched Lady Gaga
Google showed me the newest news on her'
and of course...Bing showed me that I needa buy the songs I want

I searched Obama
Google gave news on Obama
Bing gave me,
(when really i bet i could get more out of his twitter haha)

Lastly I searched my name, I mean, who hasn't done that?
Google showed me my facebook and all that
Bing showed me 
Thanks Bing, I owe ya one

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