Monday, October 31, 2011


I haven't come on here in a very long time just because my life has been crazy busy, this morning I woke up at 4:00 and couldn't sleep so I decided to come on here, since I have time before school. Today at school we are doing the last day of the haunted house. :( I can't believe senior year is going by so fast. I feel like life is going to fast....and i am only seventeen, it makes me wonder how older people feel..anyway today is Halloween!!!!! It's  the first year I haven't gotten a  new costume, I'm just wearing an old one. :( It's sad in a way. It's like I want to be older, but at the same time, I am sad I'm not a kid anymore. I miss playing with my toys and looking forward to seeing my daddy when he gets home, I'm getting sad now. :'( I am going to sign off, anyway, happy halloween! :)

-Kaitrin <3

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