Monday, October 31, 2011

Foxes jumping on a trampoline (video)

My favorite animal!


I haven't come on here in a very long time just because my life has been crazy busy, this morning I woke up at 4:00 and couldn't sleep so I decided to come on here, since I have time before school. Today at school we are doing the last day of the haunted house. :( I can't believe senior year is going by so fast. I feel like life is going to fast....and i am only seventeen, it makes me wonder how older people feel..anyway today is Halloween!!!!! It's  the first year I haven't gotten a  new costume, I'm just wearing an old one. :( It's sad in a way. It's like I want to be older, but at the same time, I am sad I'm not a kid anymore. I miss playing with my toys and looking forward to seeing my daddy when he gets home, I'm getting sad now. :'( I am going to sign off, anyway, happy halloween! :)

-Kaitrin <3

Coolest nail polish ever!

Deborah Lippmann Puts The Party In A Bottle

December 22, 2009  11:26 am

Looking for some last-minute accessorizing ideas for your holiday ensemble? We suggest Deborah Lippmann’s new Happy Birthday polish, a rainbow glitter lacquer reminiscent of the nail guru’s silver sequined Marquee Moon of Rodarte Fall 2009 fame. Worn best over a red base coat, it’ll beat a snowman sweater for bringing a festive element to dinner on Friday night. When it was released last month, it flew off the shelves, but a little online sleuthing might help you score a bottle for yourself—or others. Remember: There are still three shopping days left.
Photo: Courtesy of Lippmann Collection

I looked online to see how much it costs and it is 18 dollars on amazon! Christmas? haha

Find exactley what you need (link)

A dog's seeing eye dog

A dog’s seeing eye dog

Lily is a Great Dane that has been blind since a bizarre medical condition required that she have both eyes removed. For the last 5 years, Maddison, another Great Dane, has been her sight. The two are, of course, inseparable.

Chocolate Chip cookies you dont have to bake!

sweet saturday: no bake chocolate chip cookie balls

I couldn’t resist another Sweet Saturday feature recipe! My sweet tooth has taken control over me thanks to come chocolate I got in the mail this week so I have desserts on the brain! This weeks Sweet Saturday recipe comes from one of my fabulous followers, Susie of SusieQTpies Scraps of Life! Check out her blog when you get a chance and you can also get connected with her on Facebook and Twitter!

No Bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Balls*no bake* Chocolate Chip Cookie Balls

1 cup butter, softened
1 3/4 c. brown sugar
2 c. flour
2 T. vanilla
2 T. warm water
1 c. mini chocolate chips
1/2 pkg. melting chocolate (I use almond bark dipping chocolate)
Cream sugar and butter until smooth.  Add in vanilla and water and give it a quick mix.  Pour in the flour and chocolate chips and stir until just mixed.  IF you think your dough is a tad dry, add in a little more vanilla or water.  After several tries this is the amount that worked for me.
If you want even size balls, then use a small cookie scoop and put out on a tray that will fit in your fridge or freezer.  You can drop the cookies from the scoop onto the try or you can roll them into a ball.  Up to you.  If I’m in a hurry to dip these in the chocolate (oh and leave some plain!) I will toss in the freezer for an hour.  If you don’t have freezer space then put in the fridge for and hour or so.
About 20 min. before dipping, get your chocolate melted.  I use a small electric melting pot which I think works best. IF you don’t have that, then melt it in a glass bowl in your microwave. If you do this method then you only need to prepare it about 10 min. before you plan on dipping.
*I haven’t tried it yet but you could use MAGIC SHELL for ice cream on these.  I don’t use that because it is expensive BUT it would work.  You could just use it to drizzle over the balls.
I use the two toothpick method.  I stick one toothpick in the ball, dip, place on aluminum foil tray and use the second toothpick to put the ball off of the toothpick.  The top will look a tad messy so use one of the toothpicks, dipped in a little chocolate to smooth it over or add some sprinkles on the top to cover it up!   These dry fast so work fast!  It helps to have a helper but not necessary!
Once dry they will no longer be shiny! Eat up!  This batch made 50 balls and will differ depending on the size you use.