Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Weight loss smoothie

Green Smoothie for Weight Loss?

Glowing Green

One of my absolute favorite things is a Green Smoothie.  It’s a fast, easy, and delicious way to get a big dose of vitamins and minerals, plus it tastes FANTASTIC!!
Don’t let the color’s fool you!! It is sweet and filling – even the kids love it!! They love to name it the “Monster Smoothie” or “Shreck Smoothie” or some other fun name but believe me, kids go crazy for it!! And it’s a great way to sneak in some powerful green nutrition into their diet.
It’s super fast to make and a great breakfast or snack option, especially for people on the go and those looking to lose weight. It takes about 1 min to make, literally!!
This recipe is super simple. All you need is a blender and the following ingredients:
  • 1-2 bananas
  • frozen peaches
  • frozen mango
  • a couple handfuls of spinach
  • water
  • ice (if desired)
Add enough water to blend and enjoy, that’s it! Forget the dehydrating morning latte and get the glow with a Green Smoothie instead.
I’ve have clients who have literally changed their lives just by adding Green Smoothies into their routine. Great for weight loss, digestive health, supporting the immune system, and as a healthy and filling snack. After a couple of weeks you’ll have that ‘Glow’ – glowing skin, hair, nails, even eyes get brighter! Who doesn’t want that?!
Try any combo you like, all you need is a base of bananas, fruit of your choice and a couple handfuls of your favorite green (I like spinach as it has a really mild flavor that blends well).
Go ahead, try it, I know you want to!! It may just change your life!!

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